Monday, February 2, 2009

My Favorite Part of the Super Bowl

I spent my Super Bowl yesterday at a friends' house, perched on a comfy couch calling the plays the boys on the field. It must have been effective, as the Steelers snatched a most triumphant victory from the hands and hearts of the Arizona Cardinals. It was a very exciting game, made even better by the fact that I was the only Steeler's fan on the premises. I did display my sportsmanship by not saying "I told you so" at the end of the evening.
I used to live in Wisconsin were being a Packer's fan was a state law and the most popular religion. Many people bowed to St. Favre, wearing their green and gold to church so they wouldn't have to waste time changing when they got to the game watching desination. Occasionally, our pastor's yellow "G" would peek out from under his white robes when he stepped in to the pulpit. It was in Wisconsin that I learned the art of adoring your football team. This was in the mid to late '90's when the Packers were undefeated at home and the football players would leap into the crowd when they scored a touch down. We loved our Pack!
I soon found out why so many people loved football - the food. It gives you yet one more reason to eat stuff that isn't good for you, but tastes amazing -- wings, pizza, little weinies in BBQ sauce and for some, beer by the barrel!
The year the Packers won the Super Bowl, we were feasting on subs and shrimp. We did get a chance to catch a few minutes of the game in between trips to the buffet, while our cheeseheads were firmly fastened to our heads.
I have been to some amazing Super Bowl parties with dips to die for, veggie pizza (a healthy twist, but OK), chili, hot dogs, sandwiches, chicken wings - you name it! I don't remember who played in most of these Super Bowls, but the food was unforgettable.
This year, I invited myself to a friends' house as I am currently without cable while waiting for my satellite to be installed (a subject for another blog!). We started the evening with two different hot crab dips - very good. Sloppy Joes, chips, veggie and dip and a pasta salad followed. All quite exceptional! Dessert was a tribute to our local culture - raspberry kuchen. Scrumptous! I didn't miss any of the game as I would pop into the kitchen during the dreadful commercials to get some chips.
I love that our culture has found yet another event that requires a hefty spread and a cardiologist on call. I guess if your going to have a coronary during a sporting event, it's better to do that eating than collapsing on the field while exerting yourself. The only effort I hope to expend is making my way to the Tums at the end of the evening. Fear not - the bottle has a childproof cap and I will get some exercise trying to it open.


Steve at Random said...

Today was "weigh-in" at work so no spiffy Super Bowl snacks for me. However, it didn't help...I came in fourth. You really did capture the camaraderie that the Super Bowl seems to engender. I'm glad your team won. I'm sure the Cardinals faithful -- both of them -- are heartbroken.

Ar Vee said...

I made alot of goodies but with the nieces wedding the night before I slept thru most of the game.Number 2 son was sick with the flu,Number 1 son joined me in dream-land.Thus most of the food went untouched.I'm glad I had such a good time on New Years eve.The snacks will travel with us on our up-coming hockey travels.There is still alot of cheese and crackers and beef logs,olives,wafermeat,and snacks,potato chips,corn chips,and naco chips left.And dips!!I think I figured about $70 for Superbowl.The food will come in handy when we travel.There will be no sleeping next superbowl when the Ravens make the cut.

Steve at Random said...

Sounds like someone is still in dreamland - Raven? Well, why not, who would have guessed the Cardinals. Lisa, it's time for a new post.