My summer seems to be going at breakneck speed. Wasn't it just Memorial Day weekend?? I traveled to Rapid City, South Dakota for DakYAC. DakYAC is not the sound that your pet makes after chewing on sticks in the yard. DakYAC is the Youth Annual Conference. Think two days of meeting where youth have a say and the adults must sit in the back of the room and be silent. Heaven to a teenager!
DakYAC was held at Storm Mountain, a Dakotas United Methodist camp just outside of Rapid City. I have to admit I was a just a bit anxious as we left the relative civilization of New England with no public restrooms until you reach Sturgis two and a half hours away. We were traveling with four teenagers who are known for their ability to consume amazing amounts of food in a short period of time and their unpredictable bladders.
After only one emergency stop in Reeder, North Dakota, we were in Rapid City. Don't get me wrong; the City was very nice. However, being a prairie girl at heart, I was dismayed that I couldn't see anything with all those trees in the way! I spent three days feeling very closed in by all of the wood and pine needles.
There was too much work left at the end of the weekend, so I sent my group, which included our other chaperone, to Mount Rushmore without me. My group had a great time, despite the rain, and brought back pictures, memories and a t-shirt for me. Someday I'd like to stand and gaze upon that National Monument. Maybe next time!
With Rapid City in the rearview miror, the next stop is the 4th of July. Mandan, North Dakota really does the 4th of July well! You have Art in the Park with lots of different types of crafts and tons of food vendors. They also feature live entertainment every hour. The Fourth of July parade is amazing. Close to 300 entries long, it features everything that makes this Country great -- color guards, politicians shaking hands and kissing babies, beauty queens, farm implements and floats of every denomination, creed and shape. Coordinating this parade is an army of volunteers with clipboards and the patience of Job!
Our church sponsors an entry each year featuring our two ministry teams and advertises our Vacation Bible School. This is also a strategically planned phenomenon! We borrow a large flat bed trailer, recruit a driver who can transport us safely while we clown/dance on the back. Practice has already started for those participating and we are all excited as the day approaches. How often do you get to spread the Gospel to thousands of people in a single morning! We are praying that God will truly reign on our parade!
Despite the forementioned activity, my schedule really has slowed down. I enjoy spending evenings visiting and trying in vain to teach Lucy to come when she is called. We (Lucy and I) plan to take in some of the concerts in the park on the weeknights. I figure we'll wander down to Dykshoorn Park with a lawn chair for me and a rawhide for Lucy. Insect repellent, a water bottle and maybe some licorice. Life is truly good!
If you happen to be taking in some of the local talent, stop by and say hi. We always enjoy visiting with friends, listening to good music and a long summer evening.
Glad you didn't blog about the leaky church. Maybe we can sell it for a sieve.
Great idea! I did get pictures of the efforts of our "water warriors"! Maybe we could have let the water come in and then we'd have an indoor swimming pool!
Too bad we can't build a new church with flood insurance money
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