Wednesday, May 6, 2009

On the Edge of Summer

I walked out to my car this morning and something felt strange. It took me a moment to put my finger on this feeling -- oh yeah, I'm not dressed in layers anymore! As I gave Lucy one last romp around the backyard, I grabbed only a light sweater and felt practically unclothed.
As a woman, I am, of course, excited that I get to break out the spring/summer wardrobe after months of sweaters, fleece and flannel. Oh the joy of capris and sandals! I am a big fan of being barefoot and am loving wondering around the house without my feet being encased in socks and slippers least frostbite sets in while I'm watching television.
As end-of-the-school-year events fill up my calendar, other programs and activities have taken a hiatus for the summer. Only three more weeks of our After School Program and Youth Group before they too succomb to summer vacation. Those last three weeks are filled with trips to the park, bowling, high school graduations and Sunday School celebrations. The kids are ready to be free for three months and we keep silent, still activities to a minimum as they only cause frustration and frenzy for all involved.
Graduation is just around the corner and, as always, this is a bittersweet time. I have served my church family for nine years and I am now buying graduation cards for children who were elementary school children when I arrived as a new staffer. You have a cake, say a prayer, whisper a blessing and send them out into the world. A new group of youth step up to fill the gap and you move on. It happens every year and I am always amazed by the almost seamless transition.
As I look at my calendar for June, July and August, it is still filled with activities yet to come - the 4th of July parade, Vacation Bible School, vacation time. But it is also filled with lots of empty space. I hardly know how to handle unscheduled time. I enjoy being busy and being with my church family. I miss our Wednesday family suppers at church, as this was one meal I didn't eat alone during the week. I have that much in common with the widowers in our church. The food tastes better, you linger over dessert and enjoy the conversation. We have potlucks once a month during the summer and I'll look forward to those fellowship opportunities.
My nephews will be out of school is just two and a half weeks. For them, aged 11, 8 and 2 years old, the summer is spread out before them like a magic carpet. Almost anything is possible. They get to sleep late, stay up late and play outside for hours on end. They will enjoy chasing butterflies, playing in the dirt and running with their dogs. Maybe I need to take a couple of lessons from Noah, Sam and Ben on how to enjoy my summer vacation too.