Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Plugged In and Turned On

This morning, I was visited by two very special people. They were strangers to me until this morning, and we will probably never bump into each other again. However, the time they spent in my home will be remembered for a very long time! Who were they? The satellite television installation technicians.
I made the leap from cable television to a satellite dish for one compelling reason -- it was cheaper! Bundling my services gives me a giant discount on a service that, in my opinion, is highly overpriced. I don't watch a lot of television. I am not home much in the evenings and the weekends are spent in worship, rest and catching up from the week. Living alone, I like to have some noise in the background and the radio just isn't the same.
I parted ways with the cable company early in January as a promise of an early installation date deluded me into believing I would have a dish on my roof in mere days. Alas, the installation appointment was postponed until March due to, what the lady at the call center called "weather" in our area. I informed her that the weather she was referring to was called "winter" and it could last a good long time yet. I've been on a television fast ever since. I'm also without internet at home at the moment and feel completely cut off from the outside world at times. Is it going to snow? Probably. Look out the window. Who won the game last night? One of the two teams playing.
I had to invite myself over to someone else's house on Super Bowl Sunday to watch the game. No complaints from the hosts as they are good friends and too polite. Following the rules of guest spectators, I tried to refrain from yelling my instructions to the players on the field from their couch.
Yesterday at five o'clock, just as I was packing up to leave work, the technicians called to tell me they were going to be in the area tomorrow. If I was willing, they would do my installation two weeks early. Willing? I would make them breakfast if they wanted!
Two strapping young men showed up this morning dressed for cold weather. They didn't even seem put off by my 100 pound puppy greeting them in her tradition manner which is rolling over on her back and waiting for a belly rub. The technicians set off with ladder in hand to scale the house and mount the dish on my roof. Two hours later, I was presented with a remote control that looks like something out of Star Trek. The gentleman patiently explained how to use the remote control. He lost me after "now you push the power button....". I am pretty sure that I can reprogram the satellites in orbit to dance a chorus line if I can figure out which buttons to push.The other gentleman, a trainee I learned, showed me pictures of his dogs from his cell phone.
After they left, I set to turning off the television and getting ready to leave for work. I felt a little sadness as I hit the power button. Wednesday is church night for me and I will not arrive at home until about 9 p.m. Exploring the universe with my trusty remote will have to wait until tonight. For a while, the world is safe until I start channel surfing.


Steve at Random said...

I hope this works out...most of my days I think that anything I pay for TV is too much. I'm more interested in using the TV for Wii or watching videos of family or music. I do watch the local news programs, but I'm tired of the overly politicized national news casts.

Lisa Grace said...

After an evening of bowling, tennis, baseball, exercising and playing your Wii, I, too agree, that it is better than watching television. I didn't get a chance to do more surf for a couple of minutes last night. Waiting for the weekend!