Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Trip to the Water Park

Sunday dawned clear and slightly less windy than the previous day. My friend from high school and her children were guests at Casa Del Rhodes. The kids are six and eleven and after an hour of being quiet and sitting still, they were ready for an adventure. Destination: Waterpark.
I could fill up an entire blog about my feeling toward swimming suits. Suffice it to say, I am all for bringing back the bathing suits of the 30's which covered you from neck to toes.
We were finally ready to head out - swimsuits on, sunscreen applied, bags packed for two or three days in the wilderness. I have only been to the waterpark once since it opened eight years ago, so I had to be prepared for anything!
We got checked in, found some space to call our own and hit the water. It was only about seventy-five degrees on Sunday so we approached the water with some trepidation. The first couple of seconds were brutal; after a while it wasn't too bad.
We spent the next six hours floating along the lazy river, getting out to watch the children come down the slides and getting back into the lazy river. The kids were pretty fearless. I was impressed. I tried the slides once with a member of my youth group. You sit on a tube and head into the darkness. The tube shoots down the slide in the darkness and you aren't even sure which end is up. Sounds like fun? Neither do I! I was plenty satisfied to cheer on the children and thank God they didn't need adult accompaniment.
After six hours, we packed up our exhausted, damp group and headed home. After Chinese take-out and showers, we were ready for bed. I had sufficiently burned parts of my body not covered by my swimsuit and slathered on the "blue goo" with aloe and lidocaine.
The kids had a blast, which really was the goal. My friend and I enjoyed floating around the lazy river talking and savoring a beautiful summer day. Another memory to tack in my mental scrapbook. Good times!

1 comment:

Steve at Random said...

I've never gone...guess the boys weren't too enticed by the water park. We did used to spend a lot of summer afternoons at the Mandan pool when they were younger. Glad you had a good time.