Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Giving Thanks

A wonderful family from my church gave me a book about Thanksgiving last year. The book is a history of how Thanksgiving came to be, the peril of the Pilgrims as they tried to tame a new land and their continuous worship to God for His goodness.
I took the book out again this weekend and read about the Pilgrims' journey across the Atlantic ocean. I admire their courage as they boarded the ship dreaming of a better place where they could worship as they chose. As they battled seasickness, terrible storms at sea, unkind ship's crew and poor food rations, their praises to God could be heard from the steerage of the Mayflower. Now, I'm prone to motion sickness and can't even imagine how awful it would be to travel in a confined area with no windows surrounded by people just as sick as I was. I could identify with their joy at seeing land for the first time in two months!
As we prepare for Thanksgiving, I have tried to spend some time each day giving thanks to God for his many blessing in my life.
My family, who brings such joy to my life. My nephews who keep me grounded and in touch with a childlike faith.
My friends, who have seen me at my worst and love me anyway.
My church family who stick together and lift me up in prayer daily.
My pets, Lucy and Monster, who keep my life colorful and my bed warm at night.
Clean sheets right out of the dryer.
I could go on and on. I know that there are people in our community who do not have a roof over their head, a door to close that shuts out the world and food to keep their children fed. I have infinitely more than I need or deserve.
I often challenge my youth groups to list their blessings. After parents and friends, they loose steam quickly. Giving thanks isn't something we often spend much time doing.
As I have gotten older, the thanksgiving has gotten easier. You have experienced enough life to know that there are others in our world that struggle through each day. You become thankful for the stuff in life that makes the living sweet - warm summer sunsets, a still lake while fishing at dusk and a tiny hand in your hand as you cross the street.
I am thankful for that small band of believers that risked everything to find a place where their voices could be lifted to heaven in praise to God. I am also thankful to the Lord for his mercy and the creation of a drug named Dramamine!
Have a blessed Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

Steve at Random said...

Thanks for your "Thanksgiving" message. Today's Bismarck Tribune carried a large ad from Scheel's Sporting Goods about Abraham Lincoln's Thanksgiving message. Basically, it said that countries that honor God are blessed by God and that we as a country have taken God for granted or have forgotten God for way too long. Wow, it's been a long time since I've seen such a strong testimony in community newspaper. I'm sure lots of people will be shopping at Scheels on Friday. If I'm one of them, I'll tell them how much I loved their ad in the Wednesday Bismarck Tribune.