Monday, December 1, 2008

I Survived Black Friday!

As I reached over to shut the alarm off at 3:30 a.m. last Friday morning, I thought about my company upstairs slumbering in my nice comfy bed. I stumbled out into the cold, dark morning to take my dog, Lucy, out before leaving for the big box store. She looked up at me as if to say, "why am I out here in the middle of the night, you weird person?!?". After tucking her back into bed with my cat, Monster, I headed off to pick up two members of our youth who had wanted to experience Black Friday for themselves. We picked up my sister-in-law and were off!
We reached our first destination and saw that they were letting people in to the store to stand by the merchandise that they wanted. A little disappointed that we wouldn't get to stand outside in the cold night, I shrugged off one of my layers and headed inside. The crowd was jovial and the store was providing fresh, free Krispy Kreme doughnuts. Now that 's worth a 3:30 a.m. wake-up call!
As my watch hit 5 a.m., I looked over to be sure that my two teenage companions were doing okay. I followed their terrified glances as they saw people running to the front of the store from electronics clutching their great buys in their arms. It was like watching the people run from Godzilla! Pulling them out of harm's way, we proceeded to collect great deals dujour.
Seven stores and five hours later, we met my brother and nephews for brunch. Nothing like shopping on five hours to work up an appetite. I got most of my Christmas shopping done on Friday and saved more money than I spent.
It was later on Friday that I heard on the news that a man had been trampled to death as people knocked him over on their way to snatch up the discounted merchandise. Coworkers who came to his aid where also knocked down as they tried to rescue him. Police said that the shoppers were angry at being asked to leave the store so they could secure the crime scene. Now that has gone too far.
One of the big reasons I shop on Friday is that I have more time than money. I can give special gifts to my family and friends that I couldn't afford otherwise. I also enjoy the company of the family and friends that join us to shop. I have encountered those fellow shoppers who obviously are NOT morning people and are best left alone until they have had enough caffeine to be civil.
Being a Christian person who enjoys celebrating Christmas to share the news of a promised Messiah, I am not saying that the gifts are the most important part of the season. I am the first person to be disgusted as I see Christmas displays go up in October. I think that maybe I can infuse a little goodwill and kindness into the Black Friday environment as I wish my first "Merry Christmas" to a frazzled checkout person.
Mission Accomplished!

1 comment:

Steve at Random said...

I don't know the name of the store but I would get up early for free Krispy Kreme donuts and coffee...however, I didn't. I remember several times we (the family -- not just me) purchased a dozen Krispy Kreme's only to find them evaporate right before our eyes. They have got to be 90 percent air and 10 percent sugary glaze. I would like to actually eat enough of them to get full. That's why I think the line from "Bruce Almighty" is so funny -- "I lost 50 pounds on the Krispy Kreme diet." Good blogging...I love your writing.