Thursday, May 30, 2013

Week 8: Cardio and Cake

This week included some interesting elements.  My Personal Trainer (PT) was away and I was left to my own devices in the gym. I do not like being in the gym by myself.  I prefer to work out with my PT or exercise partner.  I feel better when I am with someone who knows that my inability to complete simple sentences is a sign of low blood sugar.  However, if I do have to go alone, I choose a time when there are other people at the gym.  My PT had texted me an exercise plan and my gym time was like a military exercise - get in, get it done and get out!  I look forward to once again exercising under the watchful guidance of PT or the company of  an exercise partner.
It was also the weekend of the Graduation Open Houses.  As a church youth workers, I have the privilege of walking with children and teenagers through an important, formative time in their lives.  It is filled with joy and laughter, and occasionally, tears and sadness.  I get to be part of the best and the worst of their lives.  I am truly blessed. I also get to be part of their family celebrations, including Graduation.
The Graduation Open House is a phenomenon in which a young adult's family throws a huge bash, inviting all of their friends, family and anyone who stumbles in off the street, feeding them copious amounts of food.  It is often punctuated by the hosts' plea to "eat more food".  What are we as gracious guests to do?!?
The Graduation Open House presents many challenges for those of us trying to get the scale to move backwards.  The Open House always includes the graduates' favorite foods such as meatballs and cookie salad.  I attended an Open House last year and it was apparent that grandma had been cooking for six months to feed a crowd roughly the population of Pennsylvania.  Grandma guided me firmly by the arm to the buffet table and opened each roaster full of amazing German food.  When I tried to decline her offering, she defended her position by saying, "It's all good for you.  I made it with cream and eggs and butter and ...".  How can you argue with logic like that?!?
I was invited to five Graduation Open Houses for the Class of 2013.  I had a warm up on the weekend before Graduation and navigated the food with my dietician's voice in my head, "remember, if it tastes good, spit it out".  The food offered was amazing and I hadn't had lunch, so I enjoyed the pulled pork and some fruit pizza.  What?  It has the word "fruit" in it?
The following Saturday the other four Open Houses were held between noon and 6:00 p.m.  I got up, had a healthy breakfast, went to the gym for some cardio, came home and enjoyed a light, healthy lunch.  My game plan was:  only one piece of cake, fruit and veggies whenever I could find them and a sampling of family favorites.  Bring on the parties!
The afternoon did not disappoint, traveling from one table laden with wonderful food to the next.  They all included appetizers, salads and, of course, cake.  All the food looked wonderful.  There was a great diversity in the offering and each crockpot held something delicious. Many of the parties had pulled pork.
One year, I had seven Graduation Open Houses to attend.  Every Open House served sloppy joes.  A great food to serve a crowd and a very economical choice, to be sure.  I couldn't look at sloppy joes for about six months after that.
All of the families were wonderful hosts, catering to our every need and making sure that you had gotten enough to eat.  It was the typical May day on the prairie, breezy with a storm promised later.  At one house, we sat out on the deck and enjoyed the sunshine while it still shined.  Graduation in our town is typically done outside.  When the weather does not cooperate, the ceremony is moved in to the high school gym and seating becomes a premium.  Each graduate is alloted four tickets.  If their immediate family includes more than four people, choices have to be made.  OK, well Mom gets to come because she birthed you.  Dad gets to come because he's married to mom.  Now what do you do with siblings and grandparents?  My prayers are with those families!
I arrived home about three hours a bit tired from all the celebrating and proud for the amazing people my "kids" have become.  My "kids" and I have spent many hours together on road trips, retreats, concerts and lock ins.  I know their preferences, their struggles and their families.  I have sat up with them laughing, snacking and dancing late into the night.  I have prayed them through tough decisions, bad choices and amazing comebacks!  Now comes the hard part - watching them fly.  I know that God has His hand over them and He's got a plan for their lives.  It will be a joy to watch them learn, grow and celebrate their future accomplishments, weddings and children.  And all of those celebrations will be sweet because there might be cake there!


Steve at Random said...

I missed the open houses because of company. I really wanted to congratulate your "kids" they are outstanding young adults. And I wanted to eat some fruit pizza and pulled pork also. But alas, I was left to the chore of grilling brats, hot dogs, hamburgers, chicken, steaks, etc. I'm starting to feel like Famous Dave...if it moves, we can BBQ it.

Lisa Grace said...

Sounds like you had some pretty great food at your house. I probably should have stopped by!